Terminology Management is the process by which Lexis Communications can formalize your internal company jargon, the unique words and phrases with which you describe your organizational activities and products. As this custom language evolves within each company, it impacts your ability towards efficient and consistent communication and branding. When translated, terminology in each language will slightly detract from the intended meaning, in many cases translated key terms may be characterized by inconsistencies. Adhering to the ISO-9001 quality standard, we view terminology management as a key translation QA process. It is therefore imperative that your company has a common terminology platform. This is achieved by:
By developing and maintaining glossaries of core product-specific terminology the terminology specialist ensures that the proper word equivalent is chosen and used for each source term. Glossaries compiled by Lexis Communications are then used in conjunction with style guides that are followed by translators, editors and proofreaders. Style guides allow for the standardization of abbreviations, capitalization, diacritics, non-translatable words, punctuation and stylistics in the translated or localized materials. The result is linguistic uniformity. While it is true that terminology management does increase project cost, the linguistic quality and consistency improvements achieved through terminology management make the investment worthwhile in the long run for larger volume customers. The most important TM benefits are:
Lexis Communications helps many clients streamline both their communications and authoring processes by establishing and deploying common cross-enterprise terminology management in over 160 languages. Our term-management solutions have proven effective for end users and terminology administrators alike.
To learn more about how our Terminology Management solutions can benefit your company, or to discuss any proposed project, please contact us.